This article explains how to upgrade a vServer to newer hardware (by moving it to another hosting plan)
This article shows how to create snapshots in an ESXi5.5 server via ssh commandline. ...
Is your virtualization box running out of disk sapce again? Try to connect a NFS datastore to it. This article shows how to conenct a QNAP nas to ESXi 5.5 ...
My flight instructor showed me a cool flight-planning tool named SkyDemon. Unfortunately it is not available for Linux, but with wine it can be installed on my machine. Here is how to do it ...
This article shows how to transfer data (VMs) between two hosts without the need of external tools. Furthermore it explains different strategies and compares them in terms of speed. ...
What to do if you want to add an existing virtual machine to a new ESXi server ? Simple answer: Add it by commandline. ...