How to replace an (annoying, nearly monochrome) background from image with a transparent one on the fly with pure Java
How to port a real-time operating system to a new platform in order to get a highly versatile IoT platform
This article introduces a simple QR Code scanner which is able to publish the scanned code via MQTT
This article shows hot to create bootstrap labels which are automatically colored.
How to determine your public IP address via a small script in order to announce it via DynDns from a box within the private network.
This article shows how to build and set up a 3.5W laser cutter for under 300 $.
This article shows how to add additional fonts to a custom built NodeMCU firmware which uses the u8g2 display driver
How to build a custom NodeMCU firmware version for the Wemos Lolin ESP32 and how to display something from LUA
How to flash GRBL1.1f hex file into an Arduino nono clone
Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are a nice way to buy things from the internet. This article explains how to implement cryptocoin payments in your Java based application. ...