Here is a simple approach how to provide a simple SOAP webserivce that comes without any third party dependencies
If you ever wanted to provide a REST Service from your JavaSE Application without a lot of coding and configuration - here is a simple approach.
Javascriptable filters that can be used within<T>
This article shows how to display data in ThingWorx with a 2D mashup
This article shows how to create MQTT connected things within PTC ThingWorx.
This article shows how to process data from TheThingNetworks with the Apache Camel framework.
This part of the IoT series shows how to connect the parking sensor via LoRaWAN to TheThingsNetwork
Part two of this series covers the software for the parking sensor which sends the data via MQTT to a broker.
In part one of this series I am focusing on the hardware which is needed to build you own parking sensor
This article shows how to port the LuaRTOS opeating system to the TTGO Lora v2.0 board