Information according to austrian §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch and §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht accriding to §25 Mediengesetz
Data regarding the company | ||
Name | bytebang e.U. | |
Adress | Am Galgenberg 9 A-8700 Leoben | |
Contact | Mobil: +43 (0)677 - 617 402 80 E-Mail: Skype: bytebang | |
Tax-number | ATU70973958 | |
General terms and conditions (Link) | | |
Commercial register | 447251y | |
Place of jurisdiction | Landesgericht Leoben | |
Authority acc. ECG (E-Commerce Law) | Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leoben | |
Further authorities (acc. ECG) | none | |
Applicable legislation | Gewerbeordnung | |
Legal structure | sole proprietorship | |
Other information accroding to §14 UGB | none | |
Member of the federal economic chamber | Styria | |
Data Processing Register Number DVR | 4015593 | |
Information according to §25 Mediengesetz | ||
Media owner | bytebang e.U. | |
Company headquater | Am Galgenberg 9 A-8700 Leoben | |
Line of busibess | IT services (according to § 5 Abs. 2 Gew0 1994.) | |
Participations | none | |
Chief executive officer | Ing. DI(FH) Günther Hutter,MSc | |
Member of | WKO |